Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Happy Girl

CHAPTER 2 (first Chapter at bottom of blog)

      My drive home was a cocktail of hazy roads, warm thoughts, and wet panties. My mind wandered back to the moments. Moments are what life is all about. Enjoying each one for what you can. Cherishing them. It's been a long time since I've been able to have such special moments.
      I can still feel Him as I drive. My skin crawls with excitement, and I ache to touch Him once more. The radio is blaring some kind of death metal tune. The deep sound of the bass and the passion in the words makes me come alive. I imagine the cars traveling my route probably saw that someone's mom was enjoying life and living it for the moments. They saw the “happy girl.”
      Time apart was time well spent fascinating about Him, and the future, and the limits He would push. Time spent reading about his curiosities in life, more about my own, and reading about the things that I learn from Him. Time spent lying on my back in bed, listening to His voice through the phone, rubbing my breasts and squeezing my nipples when He would speak sweetly to me. My mind is on overdrive. He did that to me. He awakened Her inside of me again. She wanders my mind and soul when she prowls. I can't tell you how much I have missed her.
      She is hungry. It has been nearly two weeks since she has fed. I arrive in the early evening. It's rather chilly outside, but the night is absolutely beautiful. A deep blue skyline, stars piercing through the clouds from place to place. I'm nice and warm from the ride here, and my excitement, so the cold is extremely stimulating. My nipples perk, goosebumps erupt on my neck. He greets me with a seductive smile and welcomes me back into His lair. You know that smile. The smile that You just barely see, but you do happen to notice the movement of His eyebrows, and the flush of His cheeks. So very sweet indeed.
      So we're back to where we always are. Two friends enjoying comedy, laughter, touch. Rolling around in the bed just comforting each other. I couldn't begin to tell you how great it feels just to lay with Him. To listen to the deep breaths He takes, and the little growls His body makes when He is pleased.
      He leaves the room. I know where He is going. There is a little white chair I have become familiar with stored in an adjacent room. He returns and the fun begins. He smiles at me sweetly and says “Come on,” while He motions me forward. He spins me around facing away from Him and places a blindfold across my eyes once again. This one isn't the nice and comfy one like last time. This one has two individual eye patches both very firm, and very tight. I was instructed to hold my arms straight forward. I could feel His hands wandering across my body. From my shoulders he slid them firmly to my waist, and then around me. A tight hug made me feel safe. I stood there a few minutes, wondering what was next. My hands still reaching forward, and my knees shaking with anticipation. He then removed my top. I hate being topless. Always have. So this moment was one of extreme humiliation for me, yet I loved it. I can't see Him, but I know He was looking at me.
      After a minute or so I felt a coolness slide up my arms. It had a smooth feel, and the smell of leather. When my arms were slid completely inside, He pulled them around me, and fastened them tightly. Mmmmmm …. it was a leather straight jacket. My heart began to race. The tightness as He fastened me in was so comforting. Listening to the sounds of the straps and buckles as He fastened me in tighter and tighter, removing every bit of the control that I may have once had. My shorts were then pulled off of my body, and straps fastened between my legs. What an amazing feel. I felt warm, and safe, but so very vulnerable. I feel my skin becoming electrified, with no way of releasing the tingle. Trapped in the jacket with my own excitement!
     He then sits me in what I like to call the “comfy chair.” While it is not necessarily the comfiest seat in the house, it is definitely where I feel most comfortable. It is where I find myself at His mercy. Where I most ache to please Him. Here in the comfy chair He takes me to a place outside my own body. A place of excitement and pleasure in my own mind. How I have longed to go there again, to have Him push me back to the place where my soul sings and my spirit soars. My breaths begin to slow and deepen. I find myself relaxing into the jacket from the moment He fastens the last buckle.
      He moves me to the chair and tell me to sit. He tells me how hot I look in the jacket. I can only imagine! He had always talked about getting me all “leathered up,” and now I understand why He was so excited about it. I had never before felt such an intense feeling of being bound, along with the exquisite comfort of leather. Who would have known it could be so fantastic? He opens the flaps on the front of the jacket exposing my swollen nipples. My breasts are too large to come completely through the openings, but just the right size to expose two of His favorite toys. My nipples. My arousal is obvious to Him. Mmmmm I bite my lip hard as He pinches my nipple. I love it when He does that. A firm touch at first, but then piercing before He releases. Just enough of a tease to tweek my senses and get my blood pumping. I smile at Him. I wonder if He is smiling back at me.
      Cold metal against my flesh. He has gotten clamps again. I wonder which ones He has chosen this time. I feel Him fastening them down, tighter and tighter, until they have a nice burning feel to them. Some people would wonder about my fascination with pain, but all I know is that pain takes me to a place of complete ecstasy better than any drug could. Triggering endorphin rush through moderate pain can cause more pleasure to me than almost anything. Feeling the pain, enduring it, welcoming it, and anticipating more can be such a rush. 
     I began to squirm from the feeling of the slapper against my breasts while they were already burning from the clamps. The jacket was so tight. Only my legs had any freedom to move, yet my legs were not what He was currently taunting. My breasts became fevered, and the openings in the jacket allowed for the chill of winter air to brush across my exposed flesh. How arousing! He continued to pull on the chain He had clamped on my swollen nipples. He hooked them to a chain attached to the leather wrapped around my neck.
     I hear the clicking of a camera. I hear it repeatedly. I become fevered. My body moves nervously as He enjoys the show of what He has done to my body already. Seeing my back arch, seeing me squirm wondering where He is, and what exactly He is shooting. Imagining the menacing smile on His face. HAWT! He continues with His documentation for a few minutes, capturing so much of my soul through His eye.
      Silence again. I wait anxiously to find out what is in store for me now. I feel His legs slide around me. He sits behind me on the edge of the bed, and leans forward, His warm breath on my ear.
      “You are such a good girl,” He says.
      I melt.
      He touches the flesh of my arms. Caressing me so softly. Electricity flows between the two of us. Then He laughs. Such a devious little laugh He has when He plays with His good girl. The one that makes me bite my lip, and take a deep breath of anticipation. The feeling is like a cool drink of water to someone who has been in a desert for way too long. The girl is happy. I feel His hands going around my face. Something brushes against both sides of my cheeks. He forces something into my mouth. It's rather uncomfortable and I'm not exactly sure how my lips go around this thing, or where my tongue belongs now. It's an O-ring gag. I have never worn one before, and must say that is a rather interesting feeling indeed. He fastens it tightly behind my head and pulls my head back toward Him while giving my tits a slap once more. He begins playing with me once again. Making the girl inside of me dance. She dances to His tune.
      He continues to assault my breasts and thighs with His devious little toys. I feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into my own mind again. The more He pains me, pleases me, and touches me, the more I slip away. The jacket comforts me. Makes me feel safe as I fall into my own oblivion of happiness and arousal. I hear the camera once again. What a blessing He has given to me. As always He finds a way to touch the deepest parts of my soul. Whether it be the beast within me or the girl who yearns to be played with He always finds something. After teasing me and spanking me to the point that my thighs became moist with excitement He removes my blindfold.
      There in front of me was the television. On the screen was something I had never seen before. I could not speak, since I was gagged. All I could do was watch in amazement as I saw Him there in front of me. He was wearing a straight jacket as well, and hooded. How amazingly wonderful that I knew at this very moment how great one feels. What a wonderful way for Him to introduce me to His beautiful memory.
      He was being played with right there in front of me. I watched in excitement while He stood there watching my reactions. I watched Him as He was being pleased, saw the way His head lunged forward as it was all He was capable of moving. I squirmed with arousal as I watched Him in the same wonderful dream that I am in. Watching Him enjoy the pain and welcome it. Watching Her take Him to that place. He never ceases to amaze me in the way He turns me on. I continued to watch, and become peaceful inside as I began to finally drop from the heights He had taken me to. I found warmth in His arms that were now around me. He stopped the show, and began to release me from the restraints.
      I was exhausted body and soul. By the time I was completely freed my body was ready to collapse. We retired once again to His bed. I curled my fevered and naked body next to His side. He wrapped the strength of His arm tightly around me and kissed my forehead. He held His “good girl” while she drifted off into dreams of Him, and the unknown that lay ahead for them both. 

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