Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Beast Awakened

Chapter 1
      Leaned forward sitting on the edge of the bed. Knees closed, ankles spread, just watching Him. Looking upward into His eyes. There's something about them. Something deep, wildly intriguing. Listening to His stories, seeing genuine happiness erupt within Him while remembering the good times. My heart melts. What an amazing specimen pain has created. A towering man, solidly built, with a deep voice that could command your very soul. Yet a man who would willingly give anything to to feel the joy of being totally controlled.  A conundrum in itself.
     On one side, He is a sensual being. Wanting to touch, caress, squeeze and enjoy every part of you, yet trying His best to still surrender his control to one who He has loved for so long. Denying Himself things He yearns for. Not allowing Himself to explore His curiosities to the full extent. His honor untouched.
     His heart bleeds. My heart does too.
     I know his pain. In many ways, i am Him. I know how touch can make you feel. I know what it is like to burn deep inside yearning to please someone. I know the warmth inside when you feel like you've done well. We are the same beast. So imagine my dilemma. My body, mind, and soul yearn. They fire and ignite like they haven't in so long. I follow His lead, though my heart yearns to go down a path of more intimate connection with Him. I understand His dilemma, and His desire  to end His long time relationship respectfully.
     So onto  the confusing part of things. The parts that make me insane. The way He looks into my eyes. The way He makes my flesh burn with excitement. I melt to His touch, and my mind races in His presence. I see the other side of Him. The one He has never had the chance to explore, and become so undeniably interested in. The side that comes so naturally to Him as He makes my skin burn, and my mind numb. The way He makes my body arch, and my flesh weak. The way I fall helpless to His actions, and enjoy being but a mere puppet on His strings.
     Nonetheless here we are. We relax, enjoying each other's conversation, flirting coyly, and nervous about what will become, and whether or not things will be as we hope. He moves to His toy bag and my heart jumps a beat. I feel nervous, excited, intrigued. As he pulls the ropes out of the bag my body tingles. Rope has always been one of my fetishes. Something about the tightness, and its beauty when properly used. It's been a while since I have had the luxury of feeling it next to my skin. I can't tell you how badly I miss it in words alone.  He smiles at me, and beckons me forwards. Feeling the first piece of rope wrapping around my body, I tremble. Arms forward, watching Him. Seeing the excited look in His eye. Feeling myself being bound tighter and tighter into a well constructed chest harness. How nice it feels. Tight enough to feel the strength of the rope as I breath.
Rope was a perfect choice of attire to go with the black wife beater and jeans I was wearing. No bra.
     Once perfected, He places me in a chair nearby. Fastening ankles to the chair with rope, tying my hair to the back of the chair, rendering me absolutely unable to get away from whatever it is that may come. Blindfolded at this point, and bound, I begin a journey into the unknown. My breath is all I can hear. I can see nothing. My body trembles with anticipation. My mind whirrs. I feel the cloth of my shirt being cut. He has exposed my nipples for His enjoyment. And to be honest, mine as well. The air is mildly chilly making my nipples become immediately erect. I feel Him touching one. I have feared this moment for over a week now. He teasingly sent me a message containing a picture of some rather menacing nipple clamps. Clover clamps! I've enjoyed nipple clamps in my time, but never any that seemed as wicked as these. They were manufactured very sturdy, heavy, with a chain binding them together. My breasts are heavy, and I can not imagine how ouchy these clamps could be if used to lift them. I quiver and tremble feeling Him fasten them on. They are tight. Very much pinchy. I couldn't be any happier at this moment.
     He moves away. To where,  I have no idea.  Being hearing impaired can have its disadvantages, but in this case it's an advantage. I enjoy the “not knowing” aspect of playing. Nervousness drives me wild. Being in the complete ignorance of His whereabouts, or His actions  evokes an overwhelming feeling of excitement within me. I feel my temperature raise. My breaths become more rapid, yet deep from time to time due to nervous frustration. I think if I bite my lip any more it might bleed. Honestly, I am shocked that my lip doesn't naturally have an indent on one side. When my body takes over control of my mind, when I slip into that abyss of warmth, tingle, and anticipation, my lip takes a beating from my teeth. I'm the worst of what a lip biter could be. It's just the beast within me chewing her way out. The  tigress who lies calmly awaiting the tiniest of pokes from another beast to awaken her viscous  instincts.  
     This tigress had been lying in wait for nearly four years. She paces inside me, clawing my insides, yearning to overcome me and make me weak to her demands and her need to feast. I have seen her ferocity before. Not often, but on a few wonderful occasions when my mind could not control her. She was once beaten with a wooden sword, yet was never tamed. Once in mental confinement for 3 years, yet still she roamed eagerly inside me, not submitting to these beasts of such weak nature. She is a force to be dealt with cautiously.
     Ouch! The pain flowing through my breasts awakens me back to my current reality.  
He pulls on the chain connected to my ample nipples.  Searing pain, beginning at the nipples,  feels  like fire rolling through my skin. She growls. My body arches, unable to move much, and desperately wanting to flee from the feeling. My mind fights, struggles to choke her, but her baying continues. The fire fuels the engines inside me. Sprockets begin to turn, and well lubricated wheels begin to spin. Electric races through my every limb. Electricity generated from the clockwork of the soul is like lightning. It travels through every last inch of my body. My toes curl, knees slightly buckle, and the largest of breaths collapses from my body. She has broken free from within.
     “Mmmmmmmm” is all I can muster at this point. My breath barely able to make it through, and my lips too weak to speak much else. The beast has overcome, and verbal communication is no longer a part of reality. She speaks the language of pain, sensation, seduction, and sensuality. The language of excitement, arousal, desire, and amazement.
Her words are soft wisps of air from within. The tossing of a neck from side to side, the clenching of fingers, the sweat forming on my brow. She bleeds through my every pore.
     Snap. The sting of His crop against the clamped nipple. Uhhhh... not sure if I like that. It definitely burns. I inhale deep, and wait for the next contact. It comes, repeatedly, feverishly on the very same nipple, it makes me twinge, makes my body grow tense, I struggle to regain some control of her. I consider  trying to shut her cage. He trades to the other nipple, making sure to warm each side evenly. I can feel heat coming from my nipples as they moan with each smack of a crop or wooden icing spreader. He cracks the first nipple  once again and harder this time. Then rapidly again. I feel the moisture between my legs beginning to seep through my jeans. It feels so warm as it travels, yet cold against my skin once the greedy jeans soak it away from me. He leans in from behind me and growls in my ear. The shear excitement in His voice, the warmth of his breath on my eager neck. I feel Him wrap His arms around me. He holds me tightly and caresses my neck with his  cheek. She purrs.
     He holds me for only a minute. Never taking His eye off of the beast. She is lying in the corner licking herself, recovering from her wounds and preparing for the next attack. It comes swiftly upon the fleshier part of my thigh. The icing spreader. Solid with its wood build, smooth, and sleek. It is like a hot flat iron once it gets warmed up. A firm thud, with a rather stinging bite from end to end. She thrashes around inside me causing my body to heave against His constraints. My body aches with excitement, my cunt drips with delight. From thigh to thigh He plays back and forth on His new toy. Never before has He unwrapped such a gift. Never did He expect how much would love this new and amazing toy He has found.
     Like a musician plucking strings on his favorite instrument He makes my body sing. It's a tune of bonding and union. Two souls in harmony,  dancing to the rhythm of one. Endorphins flood my body, I feel myself slipping away. Slipping into the moments of pure touch. Moments of ecstasy. When you feel your spirit fly from within the bounds of human existence to soar to heights of the unknown. He took me there. I fell helpless to His touch. He made the acquaintance of the beast, and she nuzzled against Him. He guided me through  remote ends of my soul. He pained me, pleased me, made me feel everything that I had been denying myself for so very long. He brought the beast from within her desolate den of anguish and opened her eyes to the future, and her next meal.
     Physically drained and mentally numbed He removes the blindfold. He tells me to look at how hot I am. In front of me is a stand up mirror. I see myself, nipples beaten, one slightly bloody, and His smile shining down on me. Looking at me with pride. Excited that my body rhythmically followed the notes of His hands. The song written by His spirit. His depth. His understanding. His passion.
     A coolness crosses my body. I hear her whine when she enters back into her cell. The door remains open. He has gained her trust, and she shall await  His return. Always keeping a steady eye watching for His need to be filled.
     We retire to His bed. As He lays down I scamper off to another room to prepare myself to look pretty for Him in a suit of my choosing. A short black nightie, pink panties with garters, and thigh high leggings. I return and He is pleased with what He sees. He holds me close against Him. Caressing my skin gently with a slow pace, caring for His new toy. I touch Him as well. Thanking Him for what He has given to me. I caress Him softly, feeling His fevered  skin against my hand. I rub His tummy and He smiles.  My hand roams eagerly across His body. Touching places that do not get touched nearly often enough. The back of His knee bend, the insides of His thighs, the hardened mass  restrained beneath His shorts. I rub ever so gently against His thighs, delicately touching His cock as my arm passes. I feel Him beginning to rise. I see His arousal intensifying. While continuing to grace Him with my touch, I move my head to His lap. His excitement still growing. I rub Him more obviously now. Teasing Him. Letting Him know that I am not afraid to touch it. I want to touch it. I want to taste it, please it, use it, have it use me. I want it all. I lean more closely feeling the heat coming from His body. I place my mouth atop His shorts and breath slowly onto the head of His cock. The heat flows through the fabric and gives Him an amazing sensation of warmth. I stroke Him again through the shorts. I grasp Him firmly. His body quivers. He growls. I heat Him again, and tease and rub Him once more. He is stimulated by the my touch. Rather surprised to be responding this way to me. I remove His shorts and begin to tease Him further. He now dances to my tune.
     After teaching Him the chords orally for a while, I climb atop him wearing only panties. I massage myself against Him. My wetness obvious to His throbbing cock. I feel Him pulsing against me. I begin to rock my hips gently against His. Slowly, feeling Him press against me. She purrs again. My lip again takes a beating. I smile at Him. He smiles back. His forehead fevered, cheeks rosy. He grasps my hips and pulls me yet closer. His back arches, His organ pressing harder against me. I yearn to feel Him. My body aches inside. Constant throbbing, the absolute need to feel Him. She takes control of me once more. I ride against Him, feeling almost as though He actually was inside of me. I close my eyes, and imagine the feel of Him. The curve of Him inside me, touching things as He moves in and out of my aching body. RAWR! She is furious. Hungry. She needs to feed.  The moments become more intense as each pass. The point of climax so close. I thrust her back to her cell. It is not the time. The time is when He deems. I slow my stride, and squeeze the flesh of His chest out of frustration and need. I dismount Him and find my place at His side. He comforts me. I find peace, and fall asleep safe in His arms. Her door still remains open.
     Two friends found comfort in each other's company, electricity from their touch, and passion from their souls. This was never supposed to have happened. The thing is though, you can't deny the force of Nature what She wants. Instincts and chemistry are more powerful than the logical mind will ever be. A firm, yet affectionate hug ended their blissful moments. Neither one of them able to let go easily when they parted. 


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