Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chapter 3 Life in the Fast lane

        My life was changing fast. Spending the last three years in an existence of denying the beast had worn heavy on my soul. Having her free within me, my body and mind became more alive, more in touch with life, and more excited about living it. Life isn’t all a bowl of cherries though. There is the daily hustle and bustle of everyday life, along with the pressure and demand of a higher education. When I’m at the end of my rope He keeps me hanging tight. Thoughts of Him warm the deepest parts of my soul. Memories of His touch moisten my most private of parts when I close my eyes at night. 
          Our days we spend apart, though our weekends tend to find themselves wrapped in embrace. Listening to His voice when I am away keeps me close to Him. The way He makes me laugh, his vast knowledge of subjects I know nothing of, in every way He intrigues me. The evil way He plays His little games with my mind; teasing me with temptations and curiosities. The way He tells me the tiniest and most perplexing of clues in regards to His plans for me when I return to Him. The way he giggles when He knows how confused and intrigued He makes me. The truly wicked, sadistic side of Him coming forth to play with the beast, He embraces her with such ferocity and skill.
          As time passed the months became colder yet desire kept warmth inside us both. He would tease me about the “possibilities” of the things He would do. He would speak of puzzling toys to be used on me, though never giving away their secret identities. My mind stayed constantly intrigued by His cleverly devilish ideas. His most recent toy was truly a mystery to me. Its description made me cringe. It also made me yearn. Yearn to feel what kind of pleasure He would bring to me with this new item; trusting that He would never take me too far.
          It was a cold December night when I returned to Him. It was December 31 to be exact, New Year’s Eve. I had been waiting for this night for so long now. I spent hours daydreaming about New Year’s and how we would celebrate. Would it be a comfortable evening of cuddling, a mix of teasing, or an all-out masochistic dream? I could never be sure what awaited me in the wild ride I was on. The journey it takes me on is a journey into my very soul. A journey of fear, anxiety, excitement, pleasure, and ultimately a more complete sense of well-being. I don’t really know how to explain the way He completes me, the way I feel lost without His touch. It’s like a part of me remains with Him when I’m away.
          He greets me with the same smile as always; the smile that melts my soul. It is a mystery to me still how such a chivalrous man can be such a devious sadist and so open minded about fetishes and curiosities. He was such a good man, but such a very dirty boy. I dressed casually for our evening together. We were planning on staying in and enjoying the end of the year in each other’s arms. A white blouse with black pin stripes, a few too many buttons unfastened, revealed a black brassiere which complimented a pair of blue jeans and black boots. He was pleased with what He saw.
          We sat together for a while, just talking about life, the weather, whatever happened to come to mind. We listened to music, I listened to His stories, and found myself sinking into a deep comfort in His presence. I relaxed across the foot of the bed, and closed my eyes for a moment. In that moment I found myself surrounded with warmth, comfort, and happiness. As I heard Him leaving the room I opened my eyes to see an unusual object hanging on the wall over the bed. It was somewhat elliptical on one end, kind of a handle attachment at the other end. It almost appeared to be a thin piece of metal folded over and both ends fastened to a handle. The edges of the metal were beveled in a tooth-like pattern. Was this His new puzzle? He did mention that the item of the evening had a blue color to one side. The handle on this threatening object was blue.
          My excitement began to build. I did not like the look of this thing, or the thought of how it might feel. Had I gotten myself into something deeper than I could swim through? I continued to stare at it, recalling other clues He had given me. The more I thought about the possibilities, the more it became clear that this was my opponent for the night. I frowned a little bit inside, would I be a baby and “Red” out? Part of our conversations this week had been in regards to things that were “yellow.” By this I mean things that He may do to me, that may make me want to take a break and consider whether I wanted to continue. “Red” clearly means game over. Red is the place that we don’t want to go. Yellow however can be a whole lot of fun.
          He returns to the room and has the most devious grin. He rubs His hands together and begins to pace around the room, His mind swarming with all the thoughts of what He could do to me. His eyes are amazing when He schemes. The look on His face like that of a very skilled poker player who is not afraid to bluff because He knows He has already won the hand. Once again He has also brought the “comfy” chair along with Him. He orders me to my feet and I oblige His request.
          He walks over to the door and removes the item from the wall. He returns to a nearby table and rests it there in front of me. I cringe again inside. I feel myself fearing my lack of tolerance, but how will I ever know my limits if He doesn’t push them? I take a deep breath, and prepare myself for the journey once again. I blush, and then smile at Him sweetly. He grins, and then slips my hands into long, black leather mitts. The mitts are very sturdy, actually having a firm padding at the wrist, to prevent too much movement. The metal loops on them very handy for making someone feel comfortable. I began to feel really warm. My body is tingling, and my excitement beginning to build. I feel Him guide me to the comfy chair, and the ride begins.
           From within the desk cabinet He withdraws something, I couldn’t quite see what, and He asked me to close my eyes before He turned to face me. I did as told and felt Him come close to me. I can hear a ripping sound, not really sure what that could be. My engine begins to purr. He places His hand upon my head and I feel Him binding my eyes while the ripping sound continues. The binding is tight, and feels increasingly more restricting as He continues to layer it around my head.  
     His hands caress my neck, and i feel Him fasten a very heavy collar around my neck.He fastens my mitts to the collar. He always find a way to fasten me in well for the ride. You see, this ride has lots of bumps that make you fly out of your seat. Someone could get hurt with limbs flailing around wildly.What can I say, I live for the thrill.
          For the first fifteen minutes or so I felt disoriented. The pressure against my eyes made for a rather unusual sense of perception. I felt a little bit dizzy, and that mixed with nervousness was an exciting feeling. He caresses my breasts, and then squeezed one tightly. His hand was so warm and strong. I hear Him growl quietly, He is ready to play. The site of me bound puts Him into overdrive. This is when He shifts me into a higher gear.
          After unfastening the remaining buttons on my blouse, He exposes my breasts for His enjoyment; they rest comfortably atop my brassiere. My nipples perk, and await His touch. A tight ball gag is inserted into my mouth. He places my favorite clamps onto my nipples, and gives each breast a nice hard slap simultaneously. I jump, as I am surprised by the sudden impact. I feel my skin burn, and in my mind I can see His hand prints on my breasts. He begins to tease and torture them. Slapping them with His hands, and a few select other toys. I have become quite fond of a few of them, and can usually tell when it’s a toy that I haven’t made friends with yet. I bite my lip, and endure the initial pain. I know, that if I’m a big girl, and focus, I can get to the best part, the part where my endorphin friends find their way into my gears. That’s when the ride shifts into overdrive and I lose track of all thought other than the pleasure He is giving me. VROOM!!!
          He tortured my breasts for nearly an hour that evening, occasionally torturing my thighs, both inside and out. He stops from time to time and leaves me bound while He thinks of new things to do to me. He also captures more pictures of me in my delicious predicament. It is an amazing feeling after a good beating to be able to kick back and smile together looking at feelings and emotions caught by His eye. I continue to be His good girl, as He brings me closer and closer to euphoria. The chain connected to the clamps was fastened to the collar around my neck. From time to time, as I awaited His next touch, I found myself leaning my head back farther to feel it pull on my nipples making them burn even more. He made me crave the pain, yearn for it. He removes the ball gag and allows me to drink. The water is refreshing and so cold compared to my heated body.
          After allowing me to drink and rest for a moment He pulls me to my feet. He begins to warm up my ass with a slapper, maybe it was a crop. He squeezes me tightly against Him, and purrs in my ear. The assault to my backside continues, growing more rapid and more intense as each moment passes. I begin to think about the puzzling toy again. I begin to fear it, and whether or not i will be able to handle the feeling.
     CRACK! I feel its sting as it lands sideways across my welted bottom. The feeling was more than I could have anticipated. It was a solid impact, with quite the burn attached at the end. He cracks me with it repeatedly. This is not the toy I saw on the wall. It doesn't have the metal feel to it that the object I had seen would have. He tricked me! He fucked with my mind, and developed a serious sense of fear and anticipation within me. The toy He chose however may have been just as intimidating though. I have never been fond of paddles, but all of a sudden i found myself enjoying a feeling very similar to what a paddle could provide. Vroom Vroom... He drove me further toward ecstasy. After making sure that my ass was well warmed He returned me to the chair. 
     I began pulling on the chain again. He noticed the way I was pleasuring myself by the pulling of the chain. He moved my bra further down my midsection allowing my breasts to be suspended merely by my already tortured nipples. I grinned as the pain increased. I had never felt the weight of my breasts pulling against the strength of my nipples this intensely before. I held my breath for a moment and tried to focus my mind elsewhere other than my natural instinct to say yellow. He must have beat me for at least two hours or so that night. Making me smile, grimace, and groan. Making my body arch, and rock in a sexual motion. I feel my hips trying to thrust, and my muscles tensing each time He touches me.
          The intensity of the pain subdues somewhat as endorphins continue to send me into the abyss of pleasure. My arms have been bound for some time now, and I begin to feel a little bit of discomfort in my shoulder. I roll my neck, and He sees in my expression my unhappiness. Unhappy because it is pulling me out of the warm place in my mind that He has brought me to. He massages my shoulder firmly once I tell Him of my discomfort. The pain subsides. He comforts me for a few moments, breathing on my neck, firmly rubbing my hot breasts, and my stinging thighs. He whispers to me about what a good girl I am. He always knows how to take me back to the happy place inside.
          The assault to my body continues and I feel myself slipping deeper and deeper into the flow of sensation. I squirm and fidget, becoming increasingly more aroused. My wetness was overwhelming at that point. My body aches for Him, I can feel my insides pulse and ache to feel Him within me. Another half an hour so passes, sometimes it’s hard to tell exactly how long my fantasy has played out. The shoulder begins to throb again. I try to ignore it, I don’t want Him to stop. He knows me so well though, so there is no trying to deceive Him as He knows my body as if it were His own. He asks if I am okay, and I admit to the discomfort, and He asks if I can hang in just a little bit longer. I agree.
          He tones down the intensity of impact but continues to taunt my body. I suddenly hear something coming from the television set. 10…9…8… He continues the assault. 4…3…2…1…
          “Happy New Year” He exclaims!
          What an amazing rush of emotions passed through my body. Pain, pleasure, happiness, love, warmth, and desire. It was indeed a new year. A better year, one full of dreams and fantasies. A year that I imagine will take me to places I have never dreamed of, and peeks that I can’t even imagine.